Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Well, now, what a glorious surprise! I’m so glad you could join me! My name is Smokey, and I’d like to welcome you to my erotic story blog. Whether you have read any pieces in my modest library found on the Literotica web site (Smokey125 Lit Submissions) or are stopping by to visit for the first time, I’m quite glad to see you! My collection of stories is constantly being added to and further built on; I usually manage to crank out a new one every one to two weeks. I like to experiment with different types and categories of content, although many of my tales overlap in terms of nuance and kink.

If you are unfamiliar with my work and considering sampling a Smokey Saga or two, please be warned beforehand that first of all, make no mistake, these are erotic stories. Do allow me to clarify, as I don't wish you to be unfortunately surprised or disappointed. Except for the scant few that fall under the Non-Erotic category, these stories are sexual. Very sexual. If you’re not acquainted with Literotica, it’s the largest resource of erotic literature, poetry, illustrations, forums and the like to be found online, and has been so since the late ’90s. Most stories available to post and read for free here are indeed highly sexual, in-depth and very detailed, including my own. Just to give you an idea what you’re getting into.

So out of all the genres of literature to choose from in my journey of writing, why erotica? Well, putting the writing factor aside for a while, let me explore this by altering that question to, why sex?

Why sex? Some would be content to reply, “Why not?” and leave it at that. While I find that reasoning perfectly valid, I’d like to add a bit more input.

Bring up the topic of sex to a random given stranger you’ve never met. What’s your average reaction? Well, perhaps this varies globally—the populations of a number of nations and provinces on our Earth embrace sex with open arms, others avoid it with skittishness. Here in the nervous, uptight U.S.A. where I live, we are not conventionally encouraged to be so free and open with our sexuality. Oh, we have nudist communities and that sort of thing, but this is exactly what they are: communities. Select groups who choose to assemble and celebrate the miracle of their bodies in the flesh. It’s a beautiful thing.

Nudity, however, is but one component of sex. Getting back to the “skittish” factor, especially uncomfy individuals blow straight by this and consider public sexual displays, demonstrations, discussions, what have you, inappropriate. Or even...disgusting, no less. Pardon me? In case you’ve forgotten, had it not been for the act of sex, you wouldn’t be here today. And I’m not squarely blaming these folks; we are after all societally taught at an early age that sex is a fundamentally taboo subject. A “dirty” thing. I understand the powers of suggestion, and I understand societal expectations and standards, but at the same time I think that once you grow up, you have to start thinking for yourself and coming to your own opinions.

This is mind, I proudly proclaim that sex is a natural human practice, that I harbor a natural fascination and interest with it, and am not afraid to say so. And I hasten to add this is not due solely to the fact that I am male. (Just about every hour of every day I wish I were female, and there are reasons for this, but that’s a topic for another day and another entry.) This is one of my biggest issues and bones to pick with the aforementioned society standards—lots of which are double. Contrary to the myths, tropes, stereotypes, generalizations we’re bombarded with each day, men are not simple, single-minded, penis-ruled horn dogs at the very base. Some may be, but you (by which I mean anyone) cannot paint us all with this thick brush. We’re also not nearly all potential rapists, either—another slight that highly pisses me off. Lots of women enjoy exploring their sexuality and are fascinated with it just as much as many men are, but they don’t express it, for fear of being labeled a “slut” or a “whore”.

This is a giant injustice in my view. Whoever you are, having a healthy intrigue and desire for sex and a high libido alone does not make you a slut or a whore. Cheating on your significant other with dozens of other people would be a more fitting description. It is possible to enjoy a happy, healthy sex life without being unfaithful. And what I resent about this particular tilted table is the implication that since the appeal of sex is something mainly just associated with men, women that also enjoy sex are somehow “lesser,” or less worthy than other women, or may even be considered traitors to their gender. You know, if we could lay off this ridiculous mentality, let anyone—male, female—be freer with their sexual sides and loosened up, we might—might—just realize that believe it or not, men are NOT fundamentally oversexed libidinous pigs, and deep down, women can—and do—love sex as well! (Not all of them, but many!) It’s natural, for heaven’s sake. It’s a natural human thing. Not male, not female, human.

Now returning to this business about the multiple components of sex of which the nude human body is only one, we then have so many others: attraction, contact, sensation, emotion, fetish, kink, devotion, erogenous zones, desire, love, name a few. And I do believe that almost everyone (I’m using the word “almost” just to be on the cautious side here) bears at least a small ember at the core that grows just a little excited inside at the prospect of basic sexuality and the surrounding acts, even if they are shy or reluctant to express it. Again, there are a number of hang-ups standing in the way. Then some, I suppose, are frankly asexual, and that’s all there is to it, which I cannot personally understand, but to each his or her own. To my way of thinking, a lifetime of abstinent chastity would result in irreparable pent-up frustration and depression, but hey, to each his or her own. I don’t judge.

A number of religious folks are visibly uninterested, uncomfortable or turned-off by sex (on the surface, he added discreetly), and also, as an aside, don’t care for homosexuals, two things God Him/Her/Itself obviously has no problems with—otherwise, why would He/She/It place them here? I am not homosexual, but I have written dozens of stories in the area of lesbian sex—more on this later. The religion thing is just one of those bizarre aspects of humanity I will never understand. It’s mere coincidence that although I was raised Catholic, I am today not religious in the slightest.

About half...maybe a few more than half of the stories I’ve written are sapphic. And then the rest are hetero-oriented: one man and one woman having sex. Occasionally there have been two women together with a single man, but not too often. I have not and shall not in the future be writing any gay male-centered stories, because, at the risk of stating the obvious, these are my stories. And as such, they are going to reflect my own personality characteristics, my own interests, my own mindsets. As a straight male, and therefore a gynephile (straight men and lesbians = gynephiles; straight women and gay men = androphiles), all of my stories will include at least one female main character. Whether she is straight, bi or gay will depend on the other characters and the storyline. Then of course, once the characters are introduced, the story will simply unfold and play out from there.

I’ll go into more detail in the individual stories and storylines and so on in future entries, but for now I’ll say that about half my stories are nice, sweet, light, fluffy pieces which may have conflict, but always also have happy endings. That would attest to the word “Tenderness” up there in the title. The other half, then, are wicked, cruel, evil, sadistic, devilish works that involve more hardcore elements such as B(ondage)D(iscipline and)S(ado)M(asochism), torture and agony, humiliation, prolonged and denied orgasms and so forth. And that attests for the rest of the blog title. All of them (nice and evil) include some good humor and fun, and of course a dose of hot (often kinky) sex.

You can also find my biography on the site, alongside my stories, with some of my basic personal info. Oh, and this comes with another warning: listed there are my fetishes (tickling, female soles, etc.), which are highly prevalent in my works. So if those specific things are turn-offs for you, you probably won’t get that much out of this, although who knows for sure...

Another thing I’ll tell you in description of the Sagas is that most of them are written in simple third-person. I prefer third-person as opposed to the popular first-person (although I’ve written just a couple in first) because as third-person narrator you can provide the reader with as much information as they need to know in any area of the storyline, whereas in first-person you’re kind of restricted to what the protagonist knows. And there’s nothing wrong with this; obviously, a lot of very good, popular tales have been spun from the protagonist’s point of view. Sometimes it’s advantageous. Sometimes third is.

The third-person stories, since about #10, in January ’14, have been numbered. They say at the top “Smokey Saga #...” whichever, or nowadays just “SS...”. Also since #10, they’ve been following a pattern. All of the even-numbered stories past #10 are the nice, sweet ones I mentioned two paragraphs ago; the odd-numbered are the evil ones. Just something else to keep in mind.

This is all basic information for my opening blog entry on my Smokey Sagas. I give you this and the story link at the top in paragraph one to do with as you will, at your discretion. If you’ve read this and based on it wish to check out the stories, excellent. By all means. If not, that’s fine too. If you do read and want to give me feedback, that’s fantastic. I cherish and treasure each of my Readers (that’s how much; I capitalize the ‘r’), and am interested intrigued to know what they think. But don’t feel you have to give feedback if you don’t really want to; I’m not trying to put pressure on you or anything. And you don’t have to be a registered Literotica member to comment—although it’s encouraged. You can leave comments as an Anonymous user, but this also increases your odds as being a troll. And trolls are simply unnecessary in my circles. For now, more entries to come soon! Thanks for stopping by! —Love, Smokey

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